
A program can freeze due to errors or damages in its file components. 


The error window or message pop up usually contains a link for more information that you can click to get the technical data. You can copy it over and tell us about it. Also, please take note what kind of anti virus/firewall programs and registry cleaners  you may have on the computer.


If you don’t see one please follow these steps:


For Windows Vista & 7 :


a. Go to Start then Control Panel and open Administrative tools. If you do not see this, take a look at the upper right side and on the View by box select either small or large icons so we'll see the Administrative Tools.

b. Open Event Viewer.

c. Expand Windows Logs on the left and select Application.

d. Click on Filter Current Log at the right hand side of the page.

e. On the Filter Log window check Error and on the Event ID box type 1000 and then click on Ok

f. On the results, double click the latest application error and it will give you the faulting module of the internal error. 

Make sure that the Faulting Application says MSN.exe as you may see several application error that is not associated with MSN Crash. 


For Windows XP :


a. Go to Start then Control Panel and open Administrative tools. If you do not see this, take a look at the upper right side and on the View by box select either small or large icons so we'll see the Administrative Tools.

b. Open Event Viewer

c. Click on Application on the Left Panel

d. Click View on top then select Filter. On the event ID box type in 1000 and make sure to only select the Error box on top.

e. Look for the latest Error and double click on it. It should give you the faulting module of the internal error. Make sure that the Faulting Application says MSN.exe as you may see several application that is not associated with MSN Crash.


Once you have the faulty Mode/Module name ready click on the Quick Links below to fix it.


Common Faulty Module on MSN


  1. Seal.dll
  2. Msnmetal.dll
  3. Mshtml.dll
  4. Hmssm9.dll
  5. Msncorefiles.dll /Txsrvc.dll
  6. Wldcore.dll
  1. Mailhost Errors.
  1. Visual C++ runtime Library
  1. Ntdll.dll


    • If you are still unable to get fix for MSN, click here to ask a question.
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