Home Page - weather
Latest post: Isabelle M., Tuesday, March 6, 2012 6:14 AM
Friday, January 27, 2012 7:43 PM
That really didn't work, but somehow I was able to get to the welcome page and reply.
Hopefully this reply issue will go away.  The issue now is that on my home page, the city shown near the weather info. is not the city I live in.  I keep trying to delete the wrong address and save the correct address.  However, the address keeps defaulting to the wrong address.  I don't even know where this wrong addess came from.  It's nowhere close to us.  How do I clear this bogus address?


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Friday, January 27, 2012 8:58 PM
Bogman, as I am not sure how you are trying to delete the information, I'll tell you of the method in changing it.

There is indeed a weather content box in the My  MSN home page. In that weather content box, there should be a Menu. When clicked, you can "Change Details." In the following window, you get options to remove or add. This should help you fix it.

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Saturday, January 28, 2012 8:43 PM
I live in Sedona, AZ.  The defaulting city is Paradise Valley.  I deleted all local weather info. on My MSN except for Sedona.  When I return to the MSN homepage, there is Paradise Valley again.  If I re-hit the homepage  icon., then Sedona appears.  When I surf other sites and return to the homepage, same story.  Somewhere, Paradise Valley is being stored as a default.
Also, I can only sign into the answers forum by way of I.E.  If I try to sign in from my MSN homepage, I get the registration error.  No problem, now that I know how to work around the problem.


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Saturday, January 28, 2012 9:58 PM
You may try resetting the Internet Explorer since it serves as the backbone of MSN's browser. You can use Internet Explorer, click on Tools and select Options. In the Internet Options, click on the Advanced tab and reset. Then sign into MSN and check if it still shows the incorrect city.

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Friday, February 24, 2012 7:52 PM
I still have the same problem.  I continue to default to Paradise Valley.  This is not the case with my other computers.  Somewhere in my local files there is a default to Paradise.  I just don't know where to look or how to disable it. 

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Friday, February 24, 2012 9:36 PM
I see. What are the versions of Internet Explorer on the other computers?

On the computer that has the issue, try using Internet Explorer in accessing the My MSN Home page. Go to and check out f the same thing happens.

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Saturday, February 25, 2012 1:06 AM
All four computers use i.e. 9.  When I access the MSN home page through i.e. on the affected computer, no problem.  Only a problem with the butterfly connection.     

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Saturday, February 25, 2012 2:31 PM
This is quite unusual since the MSN Explorer serves as a browser in this case and is simply getting the information from the server in a similar fashion as it does on Internet Explorer. Another thing you can try is to delete the temporary files and cookies on MSN.

Click on:
• Help & Settings 
• Settings
• Internet Options (at the left side)
• Browsing History , clear it (or delete, whichever button is available)
• Go back to the page before you clicked Browsing History, select Temporary Internet Files. Clear it as well

Sign out and sign back into MSN then check if this makes a difference.

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Saturday, February 25, 2012 7:30 PM
Still get Paradise Valley.  If I click on the home icon a second time, Sedona comes up.  After searching other websites, Paradise is back.  Weird!  Could there be a default somewhere in my local apps that is trumping my settings? 

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Saturday, February 25, 2012 9:36 PM
That's what we're thinking as well and I'm puzzled as to how it only happens only on one computer whereas it's supposed to be a browser-based content only.

Reset the configuration for MSN:

1. Sign out of MSN
2. Open MSN but do not sign in
3. Press CTRL SHIFT and F11 together. When done correctly, you'll get a pop up for removing account
4. Proceed to remove account
5. Start MSN again and enter the needed information.

Then Run MSN again and check out if it still defaults the weather content to that city.

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