Hi sjk,
As you’re unable to save your Sign in information on the MSN. We need to perform the ctrl+shift+f11 step.
Before we perform ctrl+shift+fll we need to take a backup of the MSN6 folder. Please find the below location to find the MSN6 folder.
For Win XP: C:\documents and settings\user\application data\MSN6
For Win vista and Win 7 c:\users\<USER NAME>\appdata\roaming\MSN6
Note :( Copy the folder which says MSN6 and save it to desktop without fail.)
To perform ctrl+shift+f11, please find the below given steps:
1. Sign out for the MSN
2. Click on the MSN butterfly, on the sign in screen
3. Press the keys ‘ctrl+shift+f11’ altogether
Once you perform these steps, you would get a warning to Remove accounts click on Remove accounts.
4. On the desktop double click the MSN butterfly, it will take you through the installation wizard, complete the installation and wait for some time to get the email synchronization to be completed.
Once the email synchronization is completed. Reset the home page again and check for the resolution.
Please reply for further assistance