from msn browser, i search in bing. When it brings up the web page, the msn icons and gone
Latest post: Husna Ghouse, Monday, June 13, 2011 2:07 AM
Friday, June 10, 2011 2:52 AM
When using the MSN home page browser.  Using Bing to search, when it brings up the results page (in a new tab) the MSN icons are missing fromt the page.  Using windows xp  This is something that has just started and i have made no changes to anything.....  If i go back to the view menu navigation etc.  both are check, but not showing.  If i uncheck them and then recheck them the icons will appear..  but wont be there the next time...

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Friday, June 10, 2011 4:07 AM
I have the same problem. It just started last night/today. Instead of opening up the search in the same window it opens a new window and all of the icons and back button are gone. This is if you use the bing search at the top of the my.msn home page. I have found if you use the bing search at the top of the dash board it does not do this. It behaves as it is intended/has always done. I am also using xp. MSN10, IE 8.0.6001.18702.  I have done nothing to the computer in a long time. No new programs.

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Friday, June 10, 2011 10:14 AM

Hi buddy and daveswizard,


Things to do:


Disclaimer: Backup the emails and MSN 6 folder before performing the below troubleshooting steps as once the data is deleted or lost we will be unable to retrieve them.


1. How to backup my e-mails using the MSN Explorer software?


2. Take Backup of Favorites file and Save it to the desktop

C:\Users\<USER NAME>\AppData\Roaming\MSN6- if you are using Windows 7 or Vista.

C:\Document and Settings\ <USER NAME> \Application Data\MSN6\ - if you are using Windows XP


3. Perform CTRL+SHIFT+F11

a. Start MSN but do not sign in. 

b. Press CTRL+SHIFT+F11 and select Remove account and click yes.

c. Double click the MSN icon and complete the Installation screen


Sign into MSN, check for resolution and reply back for further assistance.



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Saturday, June 11, 2011 3:50 PM
did not work for me... 

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Monday, June 13, 2011 2:07 AM

Hi buddy,


   This issue has been escalated to our Re-search Engineers and may take some time to fix the problem.



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