email hacked
Latest post: Sampath, Tuesday, March 15, 2011 8:40 AM
Wednesday, March 9, 2011 3:14 AM
someone hacked into my hotmail account... I changed my password, but my email limit has been exceeded for the day...
can you please help somehow so that I can send emails again?

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011 3:58 AM
My hotmail account was also Hijacked and the Hacker sent a fradulant message, using my name, to my Contact List , saying that my family and I are  in Wales UK and had lost my credentials and appealed to the recipient to send money. for transportation Home. One Friend replied to the intial fraudulant appeal and was given instructions as to where to send Money.
The Hacker has also changed my Password., blocking my access to that Hotmail address and has inserted his/her email address in the place/item where MSN should send en email for changing the password.
Also, I have either forgotten the spelling of The Secret Word or that Item has been compromised because I am blocked there, because of too many entries.
I need help in order to regain access to that Hotmail address.

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011 5:20 AM
I see your problem is worse than mine, benfranklin... I sure hope that someone from MSN will help both of us out with our problems.  It seems that no one cares, or they're too busy right now.

MSN... HEL:P!!!

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011 8:28 AM

Hi kkhamjani,


Firstly I would suggest you to change your account information by login on to .  changing your account information like password reset, change of secret question, Also a back end fix has been applied to your account were in you would be able to send and receive your emails and also would recommend you to change your password every 72 days.


Please revert back for further assistance.


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Tuesday, March 15, 2011 8:40 AM

Hi Benfranklin,


In case you are unable to reset your password for the account. We request you to call the Msn Customer Support Team at 1-800-386-550 and have a password reset for your account. Once your password is reset you should be able to sign in to your account. Once you are able to sign in please login to this website i.e.,  and change your (account information like password reset, change of secret question). Also recommend you to change your password every 72 days. Incase if you find any difficulties to send and receive you emails please post us back so that we can check on the server end. Also provide the impacted email address for further investigation.


Please revert back for further assistance.


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