I would like to delete msn from this computer and go t my laptop apple computer. need it for apple c
Latest post: Nitesh, Saturday, November 17, 2012 1:24 AM
Friday, November 16, 2012 2:17 PM

i am changing to an apple computer ...would like msn deleted from this computer and changed to my apple  computer...

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Saturday, November 17, 2012 1:24 AM
Hi Pam Achterhof,

Please follow the instructions to remove MSN from your computer and wanted to keep you informed MSN is not compatible with Apple computers it only works on Windows operating System. 

Remove MSN Explorer using the Add/Remove Programs tool

Caution:  You will be unable to access e-mail messages saved on your computer after removing the MSN Explorer software. Before removal, make sure that you back up all archived e-mail messages that you may have saved on your computer, click steps. When the MSN Explorer software has been successfully removed, restore your archived files by following the steps

Windows 7
Step One:  Exit all programs that are running.
Step Two:  Click Start, then click Control Panel.
Step Three:  In Control Panel, click Programs.
Step Four:  Click Uninstall a program.
Step Five:  Select MSN Explorer and click Uninstall.
Step Six:  Click MSN Internet Software, MSN, or MSN Internet Access, then click Uninstall.
Last Step:  If you are prompted to confirm that you want to remove the program, click OK.

Windows Vista
Step One:  Exit all programs that are running.
Step Two:  Click Start, then click Control Panel.
Step Three:  In Control Panel, click Programs and Features.
Step Four:  Click Add or Remove Programs.
Step Five:  Select MSN Explorer and click Uninstall.
Step Six:  Click MSN Internet Software, MSN, or MSN Internet Access, then click Uninstall.
Last Step:  If you are prompted to confirm that you want to remove the program, click OK.

Windows XP
Step One:  Exit all programs that are running.
Step Two:  Click Start, then click Control Panel.
Step Three:  Click Add or Remove Programs.
Step Four:  Click Add/Remove Windows Components.
Step Five:  Clear the MSN Explorer check box, click Next, then click Finish.
Step Six:  Click Change or Remove Programs, click MSN Internet Software, MSN, or MSN Internet Access, then click Remove.
Last Step:  If you are prompted to confirm that you want to remove the program, click OK.

Remove MSN Explorer using the uninstall program

Caution: You will be unable to access e-mail messages saved on your computer after removing the MSN Explorer software. Before removal, make sure that you back up all archived e-mail messages that you may have saved on your computer, click for steps. When the MSN Explorer software has been successfully removed, restore your archived files by following the steps

Windows XP
Step One: Click Start, then click Run.
Step Two: In the Open box, type the following command exactly: c:\program files\msn\msnCoreFiles\Setup\msnunin.exe
Last Step: Click OK.

Windows Vista and Windows 7:
Step One: Click Start.
Step Two: In the Start Search box, type the following command exactly: c:\program
Last Step: Click Enter.


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