how to attach photos in my file to email? used to work Does NOT work now!
Latest post: zammer, Friday, November 4, 2011 9:21 PM
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011 6:43 PM
Isabelle--The operative word is "should" in "The slide show option should still be available." I'll try step-by-step descriptions for the self-addressed "test" email you advise.
1-(MSNmail Premium) Inbox screen. Select "Write Message."
2-Select Pictures and Effects
3-Select Share Photos
4-Select photos. They appear on email draft.
5-Go to Picture Layout Task
6-Select the square at the upper-left of the first box.(It says "Photo Email Album." I believe it used to say "Slideshow."
7-Photos on the draft will consolidate, with one showing.
8-Beneath it is "View Slideshow." Click
9-A box opens. There is a warning, select Allow Blocked Content.
10-The slideshow appears. It starts automatically. There are options to adjust the speed the photos move from one to the next, Stop, Pause, Full-Screen, and more. It iexactly the same as slideshows were before the MSN "upgrade."
11-Send the email.
12-The recipient sees the same as in #7, including "View Slideshow."
13-When "View Slideshow" is clicked, a slideshow does NOT appear. The photos appear at the bottom of the screen (small), with the first one large above it. There are no control options. The photos don't move unless the > next to the one showing is clicked;  then it moves to the next photo. This is not a slideshow.
Does this description help you?

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011 9:22 PM

I have screenshots of the slideshow that is seen when "View Slideshow" is clicked on the draft email, and what the recipient sees when he gets the message, if it would clarify things, but don't know how to post them here.

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011 6:01 AM

Thank you for the detailed description. Please go to the Private Message area below so you can attach the screenshots which will help us out a lot in finally resolving this concern.


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Thursday, November 3, 2011 12:43 AM
How do I attach the screenshots? They are on my desktop. I tried copy>paste.

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Thursday, November 3, 2011 6:39 AM

To upload the screenshots please check the Private Message below.


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Thursday, November 3, 2011 2:57 PM
Clicking that button does not take me to the desktop, where the screenshots are saved.

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Thursday, November 3, 2011 3:14 PM
I think I sent you the screenshots. The one with three peope ("Slideshow") is what I get when I click View Slideshow on the email I have not yet sent. Note the controls at the bottom and the button for full-screen. This what recipients of my slideshow emails would see before MSN10. The slides would automatically move one after another. They could be individually downloaded or printed.
The one with one person ("Not a slideshow") is what recipients see now (though I send it looking as it does in the "Slideshow" screenshot). There are no controls, no way to go full-screen, though the picture is too small. (Not the ones aligned at the bottom, the single photo that is shown.) Photos are moved to the next by clicking the >.
This is not a slideshow. It is just a series of photos.

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Friday, November 4, 2011 8:15 AM

Thank you for the screenshots. We've recreated the issue. There is nothing wrong with the MSN butterfly but this is how SkyDrive now renders these slideshows since that is where these photos are uploaded. So you are correct in your latest observation that “There are no controls, no way to go full-screen, though the picture is too small. (Not the ones aligned at the bottom, the single photo that is shown.) Photos are moved to the next by clicking the >.This is not a slideshow. It is just a series of photos.

You may provide feedback to SkyDrive by going to this link: so that hopefully in the future they can be able to improve this feature.

Thank you for your time and patience with this concern.

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Friday, November 4, 2011 5:01 PM

In orther words, you were wrong from the start and have wasted much of my time. Right--I'll tell SkyDrive about it, and they'll correct it.  This is typical of the incompetent, sometimes stupid, "support" I experience with MSN "technicians," who for a year have not been able to fix the repeated MS HAS STOPPED WORKING that happens. "Resolution Specialists" have repeatedly taken control of my PC, "fixed" the problem, and left me with worse problems that I've paid a local expert to fix.  I have a number of emails from MSN Support as far back as August telling me that Photo Share, deleted by MSN, will be returned to my MSNmail by a "silent update." Please do NOT attempt to fix the year-long problem. I am going to get rid of MSN, probably for gMail.

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Friday, November 4, 2011 9:21 PM
(Addendum) I think somewhere in the history of my posting the original question I said that SkyDrive is not acceptable because (in addition to not providing slideshows), it decides what photos it will or will not accept. Slideshows that I've been sending by Share Photos for years were denied by SkyDrive and my access to it was taken away. I apparently have to defend them to SkyDrive's satisfaction to have access to SkyDrive returned. To hell with that. (These are not **** photos by any stretch of the word.) I don't know if SkyDrive is MSN or MS, but it is not a program suitable for the times.
Every time MSN is "upgraded" an important function is taken away. Like it's tech support, MSN is not user-friendly. I pay about $90/yr for "Premium." There is never a refund in part when functions are deleted.

In my first attempt to send this, the perfectly acceptable English word for a genre (****) was changed to ****.  Not only does SkyDrive censor photos, but this forum censors words. Let's see what happens if I use the word "pornography," for which I used the first four letters the other time.  This is ridiculous.

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