When using MSN Premium, all pages I visit scroll up & down in a delayed jerky motion.
Latest post: Natasha C., Sunday, November 13, 2011 6:15 PM
Thursday, November 10, 2011 12:52 AM
If I log in on Internet Explorer and go to most, if not all webb pages I visit scroll just fine.  

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Thursday, November 10, 2011 2:38 PM
Hi kroytown,

Although Internet Explorer may work fine, there could still be some faulty temporary files that were shared with MSN. If you do not already know, MSN uses Internet Explorer as its backbone for the browser. Another case to check is whether the computer you are using have enough memory to run MSN, along with the other programs like a security software (among others).

To work on optimizing the Internet Explorer, which will also do the same thing for MSN Explorer, follow the steps in this link:

Do not hesitate to reply to the post if it persists.


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Friday, November 11, 2011 1:08 AM

Hi Natasha,

Thanks for your prompt reply. 

I tried the wimdows live help link and ran the performance fix. It fixed 3 minor issues  but I still having the same issues. My sysytem should have enough memory, it has 2 gig's of memory, a 500 gig hard drive and a 3.1 Gig mother board with a dual core AMD prossesor.

My pc ran MSN Prenium just fine untill I updated my McAfee Anti Virus Plus  and installed a Linksys dual band wireless-N PCI adapter about a week ago. I can stream music and vidio's perfectly, and jumping from one page to another is effortless the only issue I have is when I scroll up and down any of those pages.

Any new thoughts with this added information?

Thanks again,


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Friday, November 11, 2011 6:40 PM
Thank you for the added information. This tells us that it could still be related to the computer resources. There's also a need to make sure that the current updates for the operating system has been installed. Here's a quick link for information on how to do it, if you ever need a guide:

It will also help if we'll understand more about the issue. What sort of sites do you browse which produces the problem? It will be nice if you can get the web addresses.

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Saturday, November 12, 2011 12:05 AM
I have already went to microsofts web site and installed the most current updates for my operating system (Windows XP service pack 3). My PC is also set up to install any new updates automaticaly.

Just about every site I go to through MSN Premium has this issue including my e-mail page and even this MSN Solution center page; however, today I went to facebook through an e-mail link and my facebook page scrolled just fine.

As I mentioned before, my system didn't have this issue befor the McAfee update and hardware change.

What sould I do next?


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Saturday, November 12, 2011 1:02 AM

Thank you for the information and for your patience with this issue but rest assured that if McAfee is the one that’s causing this, the webpage will be blocked instead of simply not allowing us to scroll up and down.  Also the hardware change should not affect MSN this way.


It is possible that your account settings in MSN are already corrupted. I will be providing the steps to fix this. Before you follow them, please make sure that you back up all e-mails that are stored in 'Folders in your Computer' on your MSN making sure that we won't lose anything in the process.

Please follow the Method 1 steps on this link to back up the email messages:  If you have several e-mail accounts, sign in on the other email address then follow the steps on the link but change the last part of the file name so that you can identify the backed up email. For example, instead of leaving it as MSN_Mail.msnbak you can change it to MSN_(e-mail address).msnbak.

Once the email messages are backed up, please follow the steps on this link to perform CTRL+SHIFT+F11 which refreshes the account settings:


Feel free to reply to this post for any questions and feedback.



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Saturday, November 12, 2011 2:27 AM
Hi Isabelle,

 Before I remove my MSN account I have to ask, will I loose my favorites and email/address book info when I remove the account?

Sorry, I'm a 50+ year old rookie webber,


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Saturday, November 12, 2011 4:16 PM
By following the steps provided by Isabelle, you will not lose the data. I can see that she also provided steps to backup e-mail. But is should be noted that your account information, including e-mail, address book and favorites are saved on the server.

So, you should be ready to do the steps :)

Thank you for using MSN Solution Center

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Saturday, November 12, 2011 4:25 PM
Hi Natasha,

 I removed the account and reinstalled MSN Premium as instructed ten min. ago but I still have the same issue with scrolling.


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Saturday, November 12, 2011 9:46 PM

What is the next step to resolving this issue or have we tried all available options at your level of expertize? Is there higher level we can access to resolve my issues?

I have spoke to tech support at microsoft custumer support to see if there was an issue there and they couldn't resolve the issue, so they transfered me to their MSN sopport and we tried turning off McAfee firewall which didn't work either. Then they instructed me to go back to msn solution center as I don't have the $99.00 premium account I only have the economy account so they can't help me with phone support

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