

A No Internet Connection message is displayed when MSN Explorer is having trouble using your Internet connection.





The most common way to resolve this is to make sure your firewall software isn’t blocking access to MSN Explorer.


1.     Look at the bottom right corner of your screen, near where your clock is visible, for icons representing firewall programs. For example, McAfee®  users may see a red letter ‘M’. Norton®  users may see a yellow circle with an icon in it. Try moving the cursor over each icon. When you do that, a description will appear telling you what each icon represents.


2.     Right-click on the icon for any firewall software you find. If you see Disable or Exit, click that command. If you see the word Enabled with a check mark in front, click the check mark to remove it. You can also consult the documentation that came with your firewall software for instructions on disabling it.


3.     Sign in to MSN Explorer again and check if you are able to sign-in.


Note If you found and disabled any firewall software in Step Two, you need to re-enable it now. Right-click the firewall software icon again and click Enable, or click in front of the word Enabled to put a check mark there. You can also consult the documentation that came with your firewall software for instructions on re-enabling it.

NOTE: McAfee® AntiVirus- MSN Edition is recommended to keep your computer safe. It includes firewall software as well as antivirus protection, and it’s already part of your MSN membership. Want to learn more about McAfee® AntiVirus-MSN Edition?


Still seeing the same error? Check the connection settings.

1.     From the MSN Explorer Welcome or sign-in screen, click Connection Settings in the upper right hand corner.  If the Welcome screen isn't open, double-click the MSN Butterfly on your desktop to see it.

2.      If you use an MSN dial-up connection, uncheck Connect using my LAN or DSL connection. Leave it checked only if you have DSL or use an Internet Service Provider other than MSN to get connected to the internet.


3.      Sign in to MSN again. 

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