
We strongly recommend that you have more than one proof associated with your account, so you may be asked to add an additional security proof as backup in case a current proof becomes outdated or incorrect.


1.     Select the additional proof of your choice.

2.     Enter the information as requested and click Continue.

Note If you are redirected back to the sign in page, you will need to repeat steps 1 and 2 again.

3.     Once your information has been accepted by the system, a security code is sent to your newly added proof.

4.     When you receive the new security code, enter the code it in the box and click Submit. Note It is important that you use the new security code, to confirm your access to your newly added proof and to be able to access your billing information.


Will I be asked to validate the account every time I log into

Yes. Once you have set up your security proofs, every time you log into any Microsoft website that contains personal information you will be required to validate your account, unless you set up a Trusted PC.  For additional information on Trusted PCs, scroll down to What are the different proof options available? 


What are the different proof options available?

·         Phone or email.
o    If you choose to use a phone number or email address for proof, please make sure the information you provide is valid and correct. We will not use this information for spam or marketing. We’ll only call, text or email; you in order to verify the ownership of your account, If you give us the wrong information, we won’t be able to validate your identity, and you might lose access to your Billing data until you can validate your security information.

   o    If you forget your password or lose control of your account, you can use your phone number or alternate email address tohelp reset your password.

              ·         Trusted PC

   o    You can select Make this computer a trusted PC to link your Microsoft account with one or more personal (not public) computers. Then, if you ever need to reset your password or access your billing information, just use one of these Trusted computers and you will be taken directly to the Billing site.

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