
Below are the steps to add an account as a secondary, you can add any, or as a secondary account. Ensure that the account you are trying to add is currently not associated with another account or by itself not a primary account, in which case you be unable to add the account.

1.     Sign in to MSN using the primary email account. 

2.     Click on Help & Settings menu, now click Accounts & Billing 

3.     Click Add member accounts.

4.     If you want to use an existing MSN or Hotmail email address for the new account, select Type an existing MSN or Hotmail e-mail address, enter the e-mail name and password and click Continue.

5.     If you want to create a new email address for the new account, select Create an e-mail address for the new member, and click Continue. Follow the instructions to create your new account.

6.     Type your name in the box and click Accept. If the account is for a child under the age of 13, you will be required to provide parental consent before clicking Accept. On the next screen, click Close to return to the main menu.

Note: The account you just added will now be visible on the MSN Client Software when you sign-in the next time.

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