The illegal use of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco in either adults or children.
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You are reporting abuse on the following post.
Sophie O. wrote this post at Thursday, March 22, 2012 7:20 PM

We apologize for any delay on our response.

If you decide to cancel your MSN subscription, your MSN email address will remain as is and will continue to be accessible via

For Cancellation requests, please contact our MSN Customer Service team. Here is their support number and hours of operation:

After your subscription has cancelled, here are the features that will be changed:

If you are using the MSN software for viewing mail, there will be two sections there: “Folders on MSN” and “Folders on your computer”. You will no longer have access to the email messages stored on the “Folders on your computer section”. The Favorites stored in MSN is not transferable to another browser. Aside from this one, here are the other features that will be changed:


  1. If you are using the MSN Butterfly software for viewing mail, there will be two sections there: “Folders on MSN” and “Folders on your computer”. You will not have access to the email Messages stored on the “Folders on your computer section”. The Favorites stored in the MSN butterfly is not transferable to another browser.
  2. Expiration of McAfee Anti-virus/Firewall and Webroot Spysweeper software
  3. Your initial storage limit will be reduced from 10 GB to 5 GB. You may check your e-mail storage by logging in to Windows Live Hotmail, moving in your cursor over the “Folder” link on the left pane until the gear icon appears and clicking on Manage Folders.
  4. You will only be able to send a maximum of 500 messages a day. Paid subscriptions can have the option to increase their daily sending limit.
  5. You are required to sign in to Hotmail at least once every 270 days to keep the account active. If you fail to do so, all messages, folders and contacts will be deleted and incoming messages will be sent back to the sender as undeliverable. If the e-mail account stays inactive for an additional 90 days, the e-mail address may be permanently deleted. If you don't sign in to other Windows Live services (e.g., Windows Live Messenger, My MSN, Windows Live Spaces) for 365 days, this e-mail address may be permanently deleted.
  6. Banner ads in the Hotmail and My MSN web sites will be enabled.
  7. Automatic Email Forwarding from your email address will be limited to @msn, @live, @hotmail and Microsoft personal domains. With a paid subscription you can forward to accounts not hosted by Microsoft (ex. @yahoo, @gmail, etc)
  8. From 500, you will be limited to 250 or retain only 250 (if there is more than 250 already set) email addresses in your Safe Address list which helps avoid valid email messages landing in the Junk e-mail folder.

Hope this helps,

If you are reporting abuse on a different Microsoft product or service, visit  by clicking  here .
So that we provide the appropriate support, provide as many details as possible about the issue.
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