Trademark is a distinctive sign or indicator (™, ℠, or ®) used by an individual, business organization, or other legal entity to identify that the products or services to consumers with which the trademark appears originate from a unique source, and to distinguish its products or services from those of other entities.
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Kitty Duval wrote this post at Friday, February 3, 2017 11:03 PM

Referencing case # 137-313-5329

I just spent almost 3 hrs on the phone speaking with 6 different people getting disconnected 3 times, transfered to wrong depts. and speaking with people i could not understand. by the last ccall, I was so furious I just hung up. I was trying to get a question resolved and kept getting sent to the wrong people. Because of this horrible experience, and because my family and friend's email are now landing in my Junk folder instead of my inbox, and because I am now getting **** in my Inbox as no junk filter, I asked for a credit on my Premium subscription. The man said he would give me half off credit the next time it came due and tried to transfer me to Billing but it never happened. I waited and waited and no luck. I was SO stressed. I feel as a paying customer i deserve better than this which is why I asked for a credit, but they did not understand me so they kept saying they wanted to cancel my premuim sub. which i DID NOT WANT. Here is what I want and finally what they said they could do for me (but never made it to the Billing Dept.) I WANT CREDIT FOR HALF OFF WHEN MY NEXT PREMIUM SUB COMES DUE AND NO, I WILL NOT CALL BACK AGAIN AS THE SAME THING WILL HAPPEN. Due to the changes MSN has recently made, now i have to go in and make a safe list for my email on Outlook  which I dont ever use (I use MSN email screen) which will take at least a whole day to do. This is unnacceptable.I WILL NEVER CALL EVER AGAIN. I WILL HANDLE THIS THRU EMAIL OR i WILL SWITCH TO GMAIL. I AM PAYING  FOR PREMIUM SERVICE AND SHOULDNT HAVE TO PUT UP WITH THIS. i WANTED TO SPEAK TO SOMEONE I COULD UNDERSTAND AND THEY KEPT PUTTING ME ON HOLD. YOU NEED PEOPLE WHO SPEAK WITH LIGHTER ACCENTS AS TOO HARD TO COMMUNICATE. I AM VERY VERY MAD RIGHT NOW WITH MSN. THIS WAS ALMOST 3 HOURS OUT OF MY DAY TOTALLY WASTED.

Pls check the above case number. Thank you.


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Microsoft is dedicated to providing a safe community and recognizes the importance of trademark. All trademark complaints should be filed directly with the party violating the trademark.