Fraudulently claiming to be another individual or entity.
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tpegmc wrote this post at Sunday, August 14, 2011 2:02 AM
Hi Husna,

It will be nice to work with you.

I just performed the remove MSN process and the reinstall MSN process with limited success. When I tried to remove the MSN application in the Add/Remove Programs application I was able to unclicj the MSN Explorer and clicked Next and then Finish to complete this task. It then asked me to restart my computer which I did. I then proceeded to Add/ Remove Application again to Change or Remove Programs  for the MSN applications. the only application after the restart was MSN Tools, which I left installed. I still had the MSN butterfly and when I went to the MSN Members Center to download the MSN Explorer application it stated I already had the application only updated a few new add ons to the application. These did not improve the performance issue.

I then decided to try the other remove program which was to click on Start and then Run I enter the following command: c:\program files\msn\msnCoreFiles\Setup\msnunin.exe This brought up an unistall program which started removing the application, but part way through a message appeared stating that the file was being used and could not delete it. I click to continue and the program finished. It did not state which file was being used. After this operation, the MSN butterfly had been removed and when I went back to the MSN Members Center this time it downloaded MSN Explorer. I completed this process of loading the application and then optimized IE per Sampath's instructions.

I thenopen the MSN Application which still took some time to complete and I am still experiencing the long wait times between MY MSN homepage and Mail or the other tasks. So it did not make much difference. I am sure this is because I was not able to do a complete unistall as the one file was still in use. Any new suggestions i can try to that would allow me to do a complete unistall of the MSN application?

Thank you in advance for your forthcoming  assistance.

If you are reporting abuse on a different Microsoft product or service, visit  by clicking  here .

If you feel or received information that someone is impersonating you, we suggest that you make a formal report of this incident. Please note that the impersonator must be using one or more of the following:


-          Your legal name 

-          Your telephone number 

-          Your address 

-          Any other personal identification of yours, such as a photograph 


The duplication of your nickname is not considered impersonation.    
If this is the case and you want us to further investigate this matter, please contact our Legal Department with the following information:


-          The date and time you discovered the impersonation.  

-          A description of how the impersonation was carried out

-          The URL of the profile containing the impersonation. 

-          A statement from you declaring that the information in your report is accurate, and that, under the penalty of perjury, you are the person being impersonated. 

-          Your contact information, including an address, telephone number, and preferably, your e-mail address.


Please send the report to:

Microsoft Corporation

One Microsoft Way

Redmond, WA 98052-6399

Attn: Custodian of Records