Fraudulently claiming to be another individual or entity.
Did you select the wrong type of abuse to report? Choose a different type of abuse.
You are reporting abuse on the following post.
Mattcann wrote this post at Thursday, March 10, 2011 3:19 PM
Steve  -   I really do appreciate your response.  You're the FIRST real person who has acknowleged my problem , but unfortunately the information you've provided is useless...

 I've already tried to reset the password MULTIPLE TIMES.   Our 'secret question' response is correct, but the page won't validate it.   So, I'm left with the so-called 'customer support' option which is a convoluted circular logic construct which I've ALSO filled out and submitted 3 times!    NO response from anyone.

At first, I tried to have the verification sent to my wife's cell phone.   NO response, and no text message after 3 tries.   No responses to the questionaire I submitted.  It's been 2 full weeks.  Not a single reply except for the automated response.    I stated in my first post that the ONLY PC my wife uses is mine.  It's NOT infected with a virus or email worm.   Also, I've been an MS IT professional for over 20 years.   So I don't think I need to read a link about 'password tips'.   I've probably WRITTEN more articles about it than you've read.

 I remember the days when, if there was problem, I could CALL someone, who would fix the issue in 5 minutes...  Since the secret question/answer doesn't work, and the customer support option does NOT actually provide any real support, what would you suggest we do next? 
If you are reporting abuse on a different Microsoft product or service, visit  by clicking  here .

If you feel or received information that someone is impersonating you, we suggest that you make a formal report of this incident. Please note that the impersonator must be using one or more of the following:


-          Your legal name 

-          Your telephone number 

-          Your address 

-          Any other personal identification of yours, such as a photograph 


The duplication of your nickname is not considered impersonation.    
If this is the case and you want us to further investigate this matter, please contact our Legal Department with the following information:


-          The date and time you discovered the impersonation.  

-          A description of how the impersonation was carried out

-          The URL of the profile containing the impersonation. 

-          A statement from you declaring that the information in your report is accurate, and that, under the penalty of perjury, you are the person being impersonated. 

-          Your contact information, including an address, telephone number, and preferably, your e-mail address.


Please send the report to:

Microsoft Corporation

One Microsoft Way

Redmond, WA 98052-6399

Attn: Custodian of Records