A Copyright is the legal protection provided to any original work of authorship (including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and other intellectual works) fixed in tangible form that gives exclusive reproduction, display, public performance, modification and distribution rights to the owner.
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Bill Miles wrote this post at Saturday, July 28, 2012 1:54 AM
Disqus is used for comments on many web sites. It stopped working with MSN recently, giving a message saying please use a modern browser. It works with IE9, which is puzzling since you state the IE is the backbone of MSN.

Reading other questions, there seem to be a lot of websites or features that no longer work with MSN.

I believe a lot of us are wondering what we are paying for.

When will these issues be fixed? Please escalate to higher management if necessary.
If you are reporting abuse on a different Microsoft product or service, visit  support.live.com  by clicking  here .
If you would like to report copyrighted materials please visit the Microsoft copyright website and follow the instructions provided.


Please note: In order to report a copyright complaint you must be the owner of the copyright in question.