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Richard wrote this post at Thursday, April 21, 2011 5:51 AM
I was in the middle of replying , when I was called away by an emergency  and when I got back I had lost it, so you may be getting two replies. Sorry. My operating system is Windows XP 5.01. 2600.  The MSN version 10.00.0079.2600.  The issue seems to be a synchronization issue.  When I try to open an email, I get the message, "Cannot send or receive MSN email because of  a problem on email server. please try again later.  Error code 0x85ad3202"  In the meanwhile I followed an MSN thread regarding synchronization and reinstalled  MSN  following the steps in the MSN sign-up wizard.  I signed into MSN Explorer about 6 hours ago and tried MSN mail again. I still cannot send or receive with MSN mail although I did get an email from MSN that I was able to open.  Hotmail works fine. I deleted all the sent messages in my email thinking that there might be a problem with synchronization because of the heavy volume that was in that box. I also either saved or deleted all my messages from my folders and my In-Box. 

Not knowing what I was doing, I created a POP 3 account (Internet for dummies. Not the book. Me) and now don't know how to get rid of it. When I log out of MSN I get the message that I won't log out until synchronization is complete anlong with two revolving arrows. This goes off after a minute or two and I am logged off. Thanks again for your help.
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