Trademark is a distinctive sign or indicator (™, ℠, or ®) used by an individual, business organization, or other legal entity to identify that the products or services to consumers with which the trademark appears originate from a unique source, and to distinguish its products or services from those of other entities.
Did you select the wrong type of abuse to report? Choose a different type of abuse.
You are reporting abuse on the following post.
Stephen Boots (MVP - Windows Live) wrote this post at Wednesday, March 9, 2011 7:10 PM
This is a support *forum* -- not interactive chat.
It is also the forum for email help for MSN subscribers.
What are you using to browse the Internet? Internet Explorer or another browser? MSN Explorer?
All web browsers include the option to set the home page to one of your choosing. How to do this will vary by web browser. became your home page because you probably allowed it to be changed when you installed something recently. Installing Windows Live Essentials, for example, or the Bing Toolbar, will include the option to set your home page. If you ignored the dialog and allowed the default action to take place, you "asked" for the change.
If you are reporting abuse on a different Microsoft product or service, visit  by clicking  here .

Microsoft is dedicated to providing a safe community and recognizes the importance of trademark. All trademark complaints should be filed directly with the party violating the trademark.