Trademark is a distinctive sign or indicator (™, ℠, or ®) used by an individual, business organization, or other legal entity to identify that the products or services to consumers with which the trademark appears originate from a unique source, and to distinguish its products or services from those of other entities.
Did you select the wrong type of abuse to report? Choose a different type of abuse.
You are reporting abuse on the following post.
benfranklin wrote this post at Wednesday, March 9, 2011 3:58 AM
My hotmail account was also Hijacked and the Hacker sent a fradulant message, using my name, to my Contact List , saying that my family and I are  in Wales UK and had lost my credentials and appealed to the recipient to send money. for transportation Home. One Friend replied to the intial fraudulant appeal and was given instructions as to where to send Money.
The Hacker has also changed my Password., blocking my access to that Hotmail address and has inserted his/her email address in the place/item where MSN should send en email for changing the password.
Also, I have either forgotten the spelling of The Secret Word or that Item has been compromised because I am blocked there, because of too many entries.
I need help in order to regain access to that Hotmail address.
If you are reporting abuse on a different Microsoft product or service, visit  by clicking  here .

Microsoft is dedicated to providing a safe community and recognizes the importance of trademark. All trademark complaints should be filed directly with the party violating the trademark.