Fraudulently claiming to be another individual or entity.
Did you select the wrong type of abuse to report? Choose a different type of abuse.
You are reporting abuse on the following post.
Paolo M. wrote this post at Wednesday, March 21, 2012 4:16 PM

In order to add a new email address, you may utilize any of the methods indicated below:


Through the MSN software:


1. Open a MSN window by double-clicking the butterfly icon. Then, sign in using your primary email address.

2. Click on 'Help & Settings' at the top then click on 'Accounts and Billing'.

3. Click on Add Members and then 'Create an e-mail address for the new member'.

4. Click on 'Continue'.

5. Fill in all the information that is required.

NOTE: Please take note of the Country/Region, ZIP/Postal Code, Secret Question and Answer because this will be needed in the event that you have forgotten your password and would need a password reset.

6. Click Next.

NOTE: If the page did not change, this means that you have missed a box or the information you type in is incorrect. This will be highlighted in red. Please update the information and try again.

7. Type the name exactly as shown beside the box at the bottom.

8. Click on 'Accept'.

9. You will get a message that the account has been successfully added. Click on 'Close'.

10. Click on Sign Out at the top of the MSN window and click on Switch Members.

11. Sign in using your new account.


Through Member Center


1. Open an Internet Explorer window by double-clicking the blue "e" icon on the Desktop.

NOTE: If there is no icon, click on Start then All Programs then click on Internet Explorer.

2. Using the Internet Explorer window, go to and sign in using your primary e-mail address.

3. Click on 'Manage Users' on the left side.

4. Click the 'Add a member' button.

5. Fill out the web form and click Next when completed.

6. Type the name exactly as shown beside the box at the bottom.

7. Click on 'Accept'.

8. You will get a message that the account has been successfully added near the top of the page.

If you are reporting abuse on a different Microsoft product or service, visit  by clicking  here .

If you feel or received information that someone is impersonating you, we suggest that you make a formal report of this incident. Please note that the impersonator must be using one or more of the following:


-          Your legal name 

-          Your telephone number 

-          Your address 

-          Any other personal identification of yours, such as a photograph 


The duplication of your nickname is not considered impersonation.    
If this is the case and you want us to further investigate this matter, please contact our Legal Department with the following information:


-          The date and time you discovered the impersonation.  

-          A description of how the impersonation was carried out

-          The URL of the profile containing the impersonation. 

-          A statement from you declaring that the information in your report is accurate, and that, under the penalty of perjury, you are the person being impersonated. 

-          Your contact information, including an address, telephone number, and preferably, your e-mail address.


Please send the report to:

Microsoft Corporation

One Microsoft Way

Redmond, WA 98052-6399

Attn: Custodian of Records