A Copyright is the legal protection provided to any original work of authorship (including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and other intellectual works) fixed in tangible form that gives exclusive reproduction, display, public performance, modification and distribution rights to the owner.
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Paolo M. wrote this post at Friday, May 25, 2012 1:46 PM

The message that you got "File could not be found" by double clicking it may be an indication that the favorites file where it is kept may be corrupted or damaged. Have you tried clicking on organize to check if it even tries to load?

You can also try to open the Favorites.xml using Internet Explorer by:

1. Right click on the Favorites.xml file
2. Click on Open With.
3. Then click on Internet Explorer (Make sure that the option "always use the selected program ot open this file" is not checked) and click on OK.

Try to check to see if the websites that you tagged as your favorites will be listed there.

Also if you have another computer that has the msn software you may want to try to copy the Favorites.xml from the other computer to the computer that is having the issue.

If ever all of these does not work or you do not see the favorites that you have, you may need to recreate the favorites that you had.


Paolo M.
If you are reporting abuse on a different Microsoft product or service, visit  support.live.com  by clicking  here .
If you would like to report copyrighted materials please visit the Microsoft copyright website and follow the instructions provided.


Please note: In order to report a copyright complaint you must be the owner of the copyright in question.