Test Spam1 - Unsolicited bulk communications
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kozmicblue wrote this post at Thursday, August 22, 2013 10:45 AM

I  think you misunderstood my problem. I sign into msn, the password comes up, I enter my password and am now signed into MSN and I am on my homepage. Let's say I read my email. I then try to go to my homepage, it is no longer there, It is a generic homepage that it wants me to customize  or sign in. I sign in again(even tho I still have access to email and all my settings. After I sign in  my homepage is back. If I leave the home page It will be gone when I return to it and I have to sign in again to veiw my hompage. If I do the drop down menu as you suggest it brings up a generic page again, not my customized page. I have to sign in again everytime I want my customized page. makes me nervous having to type my password several times a session.

thank you,


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