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zammer wrote this post at Saturday, August 27, 2011 5:57 AM
Husna, I worked with MSN tech support, including uninstalling and reinstalling MSN, before  they discovered they couldn't send slideshow photos, either. It was not my problem, they said, but a systemwide MSN error, which they were working on. That was about Aug 8.  This was confirmed in writing by email from "Daniel" at MSN support on 26 August, saying, "There was a confirmed server outage and most of our customers are facing issue with MSN Photo slideshow, also I am happy to let you know soon there will be a silent upgrade to the MSN browser to resolve this issue,." When I replied that the problem was already weeks old, I received (not from "Daniel") exactly the same questions you posted. I replied as I am to you. Neither of you understand that I wasn't reporting the problem again, but that MSN still hasn't fixed ITS problem.
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