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cgarr wrote this post at Wednesday, March 23, 2011 10:01 AM

When I signed up for MSN powered by Qwest, I was using desktop computer, and access is through butterfly on that computer.  A couple of years ago we installed a router, and now my family uses three different laptops instead of the desktop.  On our laptops, we do not access MSN or our email accounts through the butterfly, but directly through IE.  In viewing the MSN video summarizing the impending changes, it appears that since we do not access our email through the butterfly that we do not need to do anything else.  My question is, the desktop was the original computer that the laptops network off of.  The desktop you do have to access the emails through the butterfly.  If that is going away in June, because it is on the desktop, will we lose email accounts off of our laptops?  I am sorry if this sounds confusing.  I just do not know if the desktop being the first link in our network is a butterfly access, will that affect our laptop access to our email accounts when the laptops are not accessing via the butterfly.  Thank you for your review of this.

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