A Copyright is the legal protection provided to any original work of authorship (including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and other intellectual works) fixed in tangible form that gives exclusive reproduction, display, public performance, modification and distribution rights to the owner.
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Isabelle M. wrote this post at Friday, March 30, 2012 3:53 AM

Thank you for trying both steps. It is possible that Internet Explorer which is MSN's backbone is still detecting the Verizon branding. Please follow these steps to reset Internet Explorer:

1. Sign out of MSN then open Internet Options. To do this,click on Start and Run. Type inetcpl.cpl and click Ok.

2. Click the Advanced tab at the top.

3. Click Reset at the bottom right of the page.

4. Put a check on Delete personal Settings. Then click Reset at the bottom right.

5. Wait for the check marks to appear then click Close.

6. You will get a pop up: For changes to take effect, you will need to restart Internet Explorer. Please click Ok then close any open windows.


Sign in on MSN then try to set the homepage again to My MSN.


Hope this helps. Feel free to reply to this post for any questions and feedback.




If you are reporting abuse on a different Microsoft product or service, visit  support.live.com  by clicking  here .
If you would like to report copyrighted materials please visit the Microsoft copyright website and follow the instructions provided.


Please note: In order to report a copyright complaint you must be the owner of the copyright in question.