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Isabelle M. wrote this post at Friday, March 2, 2012 10:50 PM

We appreciate that you are looking at continuing with your MSN subscription.

However, the online sign up is unavailable  because you are currently on a special promotional plan, MSN - Verizon Transition. But once you have signed up for a regular MSN plan, you should be able to renew this service online next year.

Now, there are two ways on how you can purchase an MSN Premium regular subscription. 

1. If you are using the MSN Butterfly, the MSN Upgrade Wizard will appear during the sign-in process prompting you to purchase the subscription.


2. If you do not use the MSN Butterfly or do not get the MSN Upgrade prompt, please get in touch with the MSN Sales team by calling 1-866-205-6768 Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 5:00am - 9:00pm Pacific Time (UTC-8) Saturday 5:00am - 3:00pm Pacific Time (UTC-8) Sunday - closed


Since this is the last leg of sign-ups, we would like to give you a heads up that you may have to wait on hold for some time.


You will also get the MSN Sales recording advising you to make sure that you have a Secret Question associated with your subscription since this is needed to sign up for a plan. Please do not hang up since you are currently on queue.


If you cannot remember or have not set up a Secret Question, while waiting for an MSN representative to answer your call, please follow these steps to create or update the Secret Question on your account:




After you've signed up, please go to this link to upgrade to a version of MSN Explorer that does not have Verizon branding:



Feel free to reply to this post for any questions and feedback.


If you are reporting abuse on a different Microsoft product or service, visit  support.live.com  by clicking  here .
So that we provide the appropriate support, provide as many details as possible about the issue.
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