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zammer wrote this post at Friday, November 4, 2011 9:21 PM
(Addendum) I think somewhere in the history of my posting the original question I said that SkyDrive is not acceptable because (in addition to not providing slideshows), it decides what photos it will or will not accept. Slideshows that I've been sending by Share Photos for years were denied by SkyDrive and my access to it was taken away. I apparently have to defend them to SkyDrive's satisfaction to have access to SkyDrive returned. To hell with that. (These are not **** photos by any stretch of the word.) I don't know if SkyDrive is MSN or MS, but it is not a program suitable for the times.
Every time MSN is "upgraded" an important function is taken away. Like it's tech support, MSN is not user-friendly. I pay about $90/yr for "Premium." There is never a refund in part when functions are deleted.

In my first attempt to send this, the perfectly acceptable English word for a genre (****) was changed to ****.  Not only does SkyDrive censor photos, but this forum censors words. Let's see what happens if I use the word "pornography," for which I used the first four letters the other time.  This is ridiculous.
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